Sunday, April 12, 2015

A Night of One Act Plays

Kenedy had to drop out of the Adams Family play she got into because it conflicted with cheer competitions but luckily she got to participate in A Night of One Act Plays. These plays are for the beginning student actors to audition for and are directed by the advanced acting students. Kenedy got a part in a play called Scuba Lessons. She was lucky enough to get cast in the play with one of her best friends Megan Warner. Kefford, Ryker and Avynlea went on Thursday to watch but Rylee did not want to miss activity days and so I stayed home so I could take her where she needed to be. Rylee and I went to watch her on Friday night after dance. We had to rush to leave the studio right when class was over to make it. Luckily my friend Deena saved us some seats. We watched three plays that night and Kenedy's was last. I loved watching hers the best, probably because she was in it ;). I thought she did so good and looked beautiful. I was really impressed with her, she remembered her lines, she stayed in character, she did awesome!
Vivienne and Kenedy                                           Kenedy and Shelby

Kenedy and Lauren                                           Megan and Kenedy