Sunday, August 31, 2014

Lemonade and Bake Sales

My friend/neighbor's husband was diagnosed with a terminal disease and was given 8 or so years to live. They decided to sell their home so that they could get one with all the main living on the same level since he was not going to be able to use stairs after a while. He was diagnosed with Multiple Systems Atrophy which is a fancy way of saying the different systems in his body will one by one stop functioning. The last saturday of August they held a big moving sale yard sale. I got the grand idea a couple of days before this big sale to see if my girls wanted to do a bake sale. They are always begging and pleading for me to let them do a lemonade sale and I thought this might be a good time to do it. I talked to my friend Jessica Mortensen to see if her girls wanted to join and she said yes and that they have a Lemonade stand we could use. I originally thought that we could do this at the yard sale and then donate the money to our friends for their medical needs. But after talking about my idea with their daughter who said she knew they would not take the money and then later while thinking about it I didn't have a good feeling about donating at this time. So we didn't donate but we did have the stand off to the side of their yard sale.
I made pumpkin cookies and brownies and Jessica made chocolate chip cookies to sell. We also had homemade lemonade from Jessica and country time lemonade from us. Ryker helped set up the stand and stayed for a little bit but was not there for most of it. Rylee was there but wandered around back and forth. Avynlea and Victoria ended up being there more then any of the kids and so they got the biggest draw from the profits. I am happy to report that my cookies and brownies sold out first and fast. They were a hit! Some of the neighbor kids saw what we were doing and asked if they could add some no bake cookies to sell and since all of my baked goods were gone I said sure, so they could earn some money. 
I helped at the yard sale and was put in charge of the selling with one of my friends daughters. The parents were in and out but mostly in doing a lot of packing and they were starting to paint the inside also. I thought they had too much going on but it all worked out great.  When I finally found a time to take a picture of the kids selling it was only Avynlea and Victoria and it was after my items had all sold. The kids ended up making $60 in total which was pretty awesome. They had fun and made some money while doing it!