Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Life Happenings

On Friday August 8th I headed down to Nyssa to go to the funeral of my sister-in-laws baby girl. Kylie was 6 months along when she noticed she hadn't felt the baby move for a couple of days. Ultrasound soon showed that her little baby had died while in utero. It was such a sad thing to have happen to Kylie and Andrew and we felt really terrible about it all. Kefford and Kelsey had to work in Baker that day and could not reschedule all of the appointments they had. So I went with just my kids. They had a graveside service for Eliza Jane and it was really lovely and hopefully what Kylie and Andrew needed. 
After the service her ward hosted a luncheon and then after that the kids and I went to Keffords parents house to hang out with family for the day. Dustin and Sara had come down from Utah to be at the funeral and I had a lot of fun holding and playing with their little one Charlotte. She is adorable and looks like a little eskimo baby with her dark eyes and thick dark hair. Such a smiley and happy baby I love being around her. I took a couple of pictures of me with this smiley cutie and really wish my camera was working better. 

On our way home Avynlea took this picture of the sunset with my phone. She likes taking pictures of sunsets!

Early in the physical therapy Avynlea was really struggling with the pain and not much progress was happening. I told her that if she worked really hard and tried hard that at the end of her journey I would take her on a celebratory date to Panda Express. We were able to go and do it on a saturday before school started and it was a lot of fun. We love Panda Express and it was fun to be with my girl who had worked so hard to make her arm better.