Sunday, April 27, 2014

Happy Easter!

For the past couple of years we did Easter Egg Hunts at Keffords parents house and then on Easter morning the Easter Bunny would leave Easter baskets for the kids. This year we were not doing any egg hunts at the in-laws and I was informed by a lady in our ward whom Rylee confided in that Rylee really wanted and egg hunt and was always disappointed that the Easter Bunny never left any eggs outside for an egg hunt. I was not too thrilled with this revelation because I think hiding Easter eggs is a lot more work then just putting items in a basket. Nevertheless I decided to be a good Mom and let the Bunny know this little request.

I had some items that were specific for different kids and so I put those items in the baskets and left them out for the kids to find and look at Easter morning. I let them know that these items were from Mom and Dad and they seemed to like what they had. I also had Easter treats from both Grandmas that I stuck in the baskets and I did make sure the kids knew whom they were from! :) We have pretty awesome Grandmas!

Meanwhile the "Easter Bunny" had hidden eggs around the house and in the backyard for the kids to find. All of the kids seemed to be happy with this turn of events except for Kenedy, she was super bummed not to have the amazing basket she has gotten used to in previous years. I discovered that I cannot win them all and decided to let it go.
Avynlea was super excited with the Hamster Webkinz she got and Rylee was beyond thrilled to find that she received a Bunny Webkinz. Avy named her Hamster Smores and Rylee named her Bunny Jessica.

I had bought the girls items a while back and had planned on getting out to the store to get Ryker a few things but then a couple of days before Easter I got pretty sick and was not able to make it to the store. I felt pretty bad but luckily Kefford pulled through and found some things he had hidden away to put in his basket. 
I bought a couple of super cute Easter bows at a Holiday Boutique I went to and am so happy I still have girls young enough to want to wear them. Seriously adorable!

I was busy in the kitchen trying to prep things for dinner before we needed to leave for church and so I sent my camera out with Kefford to capture some images of the kids Egg hunting. I caught peeks of them through the kitchen window so I was not totally left out of it all.

They had a lot of fun egg hunting and while they were opening their eggs I heard Kefford talking to them about why we celebrate Easter. The next day for Family Home Evening Kenedy prepared a great lesson on the resurrection and we read about it in the scriptures. 

After church the kids were outside playing when they saw a duck had landed on our house. This was a fun sight and Kenedy took some pictures of it. 

I made our traditional Easter Bunny cake and while it turned out, in my opinion, not cute, it sure tasted delicious. Kefford requested homemade frosting because he does not like canned chocolate frosting and so even though it required more work I went with it and am so happy with how it turned out. It tasted so good and i might have to start doing homemade chocolate frosting from now on.