Friday, April 11, 2014

Family Home Evening

For our Family Home Evening lesson Avynlea took an idea she found from the friend. SHe talked to us about what it means to be a sealed family. We talked about the Temple and the difference between a Temple wedding and a Church wedding. After we had our discussion she brought out some yarn and we used different colors and braided them together to help us remember the sealing power and that becasue of it we are bound together just like the braided yarn. Ryker and Rylee put theirs on as a bracelet, Kenedy put hers on her ankle, Avy tied hers on her backpack, Kefford put his in his pick-up and I use mine as a book mark.
For the activity the kids ran races in the backyard. I love warmer weather which means we can be outside a whole lot more.

After all of that fun we went inside and Rylee scooped out ice-cream for everyone. She was having a hard time with it because of the way she was holding the scoop and scooping and so I showed her how to do it right and it seemed to help her a bit better.