Saturday, November 10, 2012

Pumpkin Carving

This year I thought to myself..."Self, I don't want to carve pumkins this year, do you? " and self said to me "actually I don't really want to either" So self and I came up with a genius idea. I said to my kids. "kids I don't want to carve pumpkins this year, so Kenedy and Ryker you will carve your own, Avynlea your dad will help you and Rylee here is some paint, why don't you go ahead and paint your pumpkin." It was all fine and dandy ...

until someone got hurt. Ryker stabbed himself witha knife and Kefford had to glue it back together. After he was patched up Ryker said to me " this is why kids should not be carving pumpkins". Hmmm. Oh yeah and their was some complaining from the older two about not wanting to carve their own. Oh well, Kenedy did great on hers and Ryker got hurt and had his Dad cut his.

All is well that ends well!