Sunday, November 25, 2012

Happy Birthday Elizabeth and Ryker!

This year our birthday started the week before while on out trip to Utah. My sister Erin makes the most amazing and adorable crocheted animals. She texted me a couple of weeks before hand as to what I would like and I gave her my suggestions. I was really excited with my cute kangaroo! She is adorable. Ryker got a Target gift card and Candy bar from his Aunt Erin while in Utah.
The day before our Birthday Keffords Mom came over and took Ryker and I out for a birthday brunch. Ryker was really excited to order a "monster hamburger" while at IHOP. This boy really loves hamburgers!
After Brunch we went to Deseret Book and she had Ryker pick out a few books. He also got a fun stuffed Alligator. She gave me a card and some money which was greatly appreciated!
Thursday, our birthday day this year, is also the day that i take my own dance class. So i left the kids at home and went to the studio for some fun me time. About ten minutes before the end of class the door opened and in walked Kefford with a bouquet of flowers and some balloons just for me. It was so sweet and so thoughtful. He left work to drive all the way to my class so he could surprise me, gave me my flowers and a kiss and headed back to work. I was definitely surprised and had no clue. On my way to class I passed a couple of police cars and an ambulance heading towards the Emmett area where Kefford works. I suddenly started to get worried that he left work early for my birthday and got in a big accident. So I called his cell phone just to say Hi but really to check up on him. He later told me that he did pass a wreck on his way out to deliver the flowers. I was glad that he was kept safe.
For dinner I made Hamburgers for Ryker sense they are his favorite. He was pretty happy!
after dinner came present time
We had to hurry and do presents because we had to go to the church for Rykers pack meeting. I wanted to skip it but Ryker was getting his bear and I promised the pack master I would show up if he promised to bring a cupcake for me since it was my birthday. So off we went to pack meeting. Getting his Bear is a big deal and as part of the awards process I had to hide inside a "cave" with a bear hat on and when Ryker crawled through had to attack his face with markers to look like a bear clawed him. I was super embarrassed but I played along and did what I needed to do.
Afterward Ryker and I both got a cupcake and everyone sang Happy Birthday to us. That was fun! Ket, the Packmaster, really came through and got us some fancy cupcakes. What a great guy!!
Love this boy I share a birthday with and cannot believe he is 10!
I had a really great day this year, I had lots of phone calls and text from family and Friends wishing me happy birthday. My Niece Breana made some really fun and creative cards for me and Ryker. I got cards in the mail and my really great friend Candice came by with candy and a gift card to JoAnns for me. She is awesome! Overall it was one of the best birthdays I have had in a long time. 

Five things I love about Ryker

1: He still lets me kiss him even though he rolls his eyes and acts like he doesn't like it. Secretly I am sure he loves it!
2: Is good to his sisters and lets them play with him and his things. He is good also to watch out for them and make sure they are safe.
3: He has a tender heart and really tries hard to do what is right. I see him making more and more good decisions each day.
4: He is a really fantastic piano player. He struggles a lot with wanting to play the piano, bur his practicing is improving and I am so impressed with his talent.
5: I love his laugh and his smile. he is such a cute boy and his smile makes me happy! 
Rykers favorite Things:
Food: pizza
Candy: sour gummy worms
Song: you know my name
Primary Song: child's prayer
Scripture Hero: Helaman
Scripture Story: Noah's ark
Friend: Tyler 
Toy: legos
TV Show: sponge bob
Movie: star wars
Color: green
School Subject: library
Activity: football
Instrument: drums