Saturday, July 14, 2012

A short story by Kefford

So there I was, on a hot afternoon, starting to feel a bit dehydrated.  I had just come inside from the hot sun where I'm sure I was working hard doing something productive.  My wife had already handed me a bag of cookies that I consumed within seconds.  This only added to my desire and need for some kind of fluid.  Upon opening the fridge door, a reflection of light bounced off of a small bottle of TruMoo chocolate milk.  I knew I must have it.  I quietly asked if it belonged to someone.  The only response I heard was "it's all yours."  I didn't know if the response came from someone else or if my subconscious was telling me to hurry up.  I quickly grabbed it, shook it up and took the lid off.  By this time I had already settled down on the couch, ready to enjoy my refreshing drink.  As I poured the first gulp into my mouth I was a bit disappointed at the lack of chocolaty taste.  Within the next 3 seconds, after swallowing, I knew something was horribly wrong.  An aftertaste, that can only be explained as moldy and dead, took control of all my senses and just about knocked me off the couch.  Upon regaining my sense of sight and while sprinting toward the kitchen sink, I was able to glance at the EXP date on the small bottle in my hand.  My new found knowledge only added to my desire to somehow reach down into my stomach and pull out whatever I had just put in, but all I could do at this point was spit and rinse over and over.  I felt betrayed and defiled and still thirsty.  So I went back to the fridge, checked the exp date on the milk, and drank some.