Monday, January 9, 2012


Now I have to play catch up because I am waaaaay behind on posting. In the previous years I always send out halloween cards to immediate family. it was my way of letting my family see the kids halloween costumes. This year I decided to expand that a bit and send out halloween cards to friends and family, make it our holiday card. Well I had brit design a card with our picture, I then got the cards printed at Costco. I even went as far as to start addressing them, and then they sat, and, and sat until it is now January and I never sent those cards out. I don't know what happened but I have a pile of cards that are way put of date. So here is our Halloween...finally.
The day of Halloween while the kids were at school I thought it would be a fun activity for Rylee and I to carve her pumpkin. I figured we could get hers carved and out of the way and then when the kids came home from school we could do theirs.
So I cut the top and had Rylee start scooping out the guts, she liked that part and liked playing with action figures in it also.

When it was time to carve Rylee said she wanted a princess pumpkin. Um yeah that was not happening so I suggested a crown. She was cool with that and so I did a crown. I realized during this carving process that I am really, really bad at carving pumpkins. Like really seriously bad. So when the crown turned out not so great I suggested we do a heart on the other side. When the heart turned out even worse then the crown I gave up and decided pumpkin carving is not my forte, I am ok with that.

After the pathetic carving Rylee went into the bathroom to clean up and decided to stay in the bathroom and play in the sink.
When Kenedy came home I told her she could carve her pumpkin and she was not in the mood. No worries I wasn't either. But when Avynlea and Ryker came home Avynlea wanted to do it so I cut off the top and let her scoop out the inside. And that is as far as it went, she got it gutted and we left it at that. Ha!
Ryker was so excited about the Link costume I made him that he immediately put it on as soon as he got home. I thought it was pretty cute of him to practice the piano while as Link.
For dinner I wanted to do a Halloween theme with the food and so I made spooky Mummys by wrapping biscuit dough around hotdogs and turned our mashed potatoes into ghosts just by adding eyes!

We had our ward trunk or treat to go to which started at 7 and for some reason I didn't think we needed too much time to get ready. So a little bit after 6 I had the kids start getting into costumes and we quickly ran out of time. So no fancy hairdos no makeup and no cute hair bows. Oh well, life went on.
A beautiful Ballerina Princess
Link from the Legand of Zelda
(I made the costume and that shield. Pretty proud I am)
A Sassy Pirate.
(I made the entire costume. Gave me some stress but I did it. When I origionally finished the hat the brim was HUGE, it looked like a sombrero. So I took it apart and cut it down. I still think it should have been a little smaller but it was good enough.)
A cutiepie Boise State Ballerina.
(bought the shirt, made the fun tutu)

After the tunk or treat Kefford took the kids around the neighborhood. As soon as they came home the candy was dumped out and the sorting began. Overall it was a fun Halloween!