Monday, January 9, 2012

All Dressed Up

Our ward usually does a clothing swap at least once a year. Back in august, I think, we held a clothing swap that i was in charge of. That was when I was still the enrichment leader, side note: I now teach the 11 year olds and I absolutely love it. So anyway we had a clothing swap and since I was in charge I was there when all the clothing was brought and basically had first dibs...awesome! My friend in the ward has seven kids which includes two sets of twin girls. The younger set are a little bit older than Avynlea and the older set are Kenedys friends. So I was pretty excited when Deena walked in with a plethora of clothing her daughters dd not want anymore. In addition to some other great things I grabbed I was able to snag two identical brand new dresses with the tags still on, one being a size larger than the other, perfect for Rylee and Avynlea. I thought they would be perfect dresses for Christmas and so I kept them put away until the first Sunday in December. Not too shabby if I do say so myself!
I think I have some dang cute kids!!!
Yup they are gorgeous, it is hard to believe how big they are getting!