Sunday, January 22, 2012

Basketball End of Season

So Ryker has finished another season of Basketball. I am impressed with how good his skills are getting and am really glad that he enjoys it. Ryker loved having his dad be his coach this time around but Kefford was not thrilled with it and says he probably will not do it again. The main problem is being stuck with a team who is really no good, who mess around and do not pay attention. We got slaughtered at almost every single game. It was really sad. But this season is over and we are seriously considering moving him to a different league for next year. We shall see. I really want Kefford to keep coaching Ryker and so I am hoping that by next season he will have forgotten how frustrating it was for him and that i can talk him into doing it again.
We did an awards pizza party with the team and Kefford gave out trophy's and made up certificates for the boys. Ryker got the Mr. Hustle award but after we came home Kefford gave him his real award which was MVP, Most Valuable Player. Ryker was really good and deserved that award but Kefford did not think it a good idea for the coach's son to get the best award so he gave it to him later. smart move.