Monday, November 29, 2010

Acheivement Days Play!

Kenedy's Achievement days group were planning on putting on a play for the parents. They were going to have a couple of rehearsals and then were going to perform. The only problem was the performance was going to fall on the week that we were going to be in McCall. The first day of rehearsals Before i dropped Kenedy off I told her not to accept any parts sense we were going to be gone. She said OK and off she went. What a surprise to have Kenedy come home and show me a piece of paper with a part on it for her. I said "um remember you were not to take a part sense we will not be here". the kid suddenly had a complete meltdown. She started crying and yelling that she did not want to go to McCall, that she wanted to stay and do the play. Holy cow the girl was out of control. To be fair she was very tired because she did not get to bed until 11 the night before because she was doing a late night at a friends house. So while I kind of understood I did not appreciate the drama. She eventually calmed down and we were able to talk about it.
I told her that I would come to the last rehearsal and watch her perform so that even though she could not do the actual performing in front of all the parents at least I would be able to watch her.

Rylee was with me and she made me take a picture of her. She is such a diva! :0)

Of course this was when my camera was not working and so all of the pictures were blurry. That is so frustrating.

Kenedy played the part of a cheerleader and she was really cute along with the other cheerleaders.
I don't exactly remember what the play was about but I do remember that it was cute and that Kenedy did a really good job! I am glad that I was able to go and watch.