Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Door Art

A couple of year ago I had the grand idea to put my kids names on their bedroom doors. This was when I only had three and Kenedy and Avynlea shared a room. It didn't turn out quite the way I had invisioned it in my head but it was something and I was fine with it.

Over the couple of years that they were on a baby was born , Avy was put in with Ryker and Rykers name started to come off a little (notice the word reading "Pyker") So none if it was working and I was not liking it anymore but was too busy to change it. Fast forward to a couple of months ago when I bought my own vinyl at the hobby shop and using my own Cricut machine I redesigned the doors.

Now we have all three girls in one room and I think this captures the girlie theme I was going for. The colors match the colors on their blankets and all of the girls loved it as soon as they saw it. So fun!

And really nothing needs to be said about Rykers cool door. Simple yet so Ryker! I downloaded the Batman logo off the internet and then traced it onto the vinyl and cut it out! Ryker thinks it is way cool and it also fits with the theme of his room!
Mission accomplished for both rooms and we love looking at their fun, personalized doors!
I have a blue room and recently bought a new all white duvet cover to put on the bed. Some might call me crazy to have an all white bed when I still have little kids around, but the secret is bleach! Lots and lots of Bleach if the need ever arises. How many of you can do that when something gets on your beds?

I love the way the color looks with the blue wall. Now I need to find the perfect headboard and side tables to make this a complete room.
I am very slow with all of this so don't expect anything anytime soon! :)