Friday, April 3, 2009

Spring Break Adventures 7

This is the final part for our Tree House museum posts and I think the part we all enjoyed the most! They had a little pantomime theater where we were able to go and watch this guy perform using pantomime. The big demonstration on this particular day was wind and how you can use your body to make it appear that there is wind. After he demonstrated he picked some kids to come on stage and try it out.
Here Ryker and Isabelle are being taught how to make it look like it is very windy outside.
Whoa that wind is really blowing Ryker back!
Hang on to that pole dude, you can do it!
Ohh it was a very strong wind but Ryker managed to run in!
Oh oops now it is blowing Isabelle and Ryker back!
Kenedy then got to go on stage and be part of a tree. They had to show how the wind affects the trees movement.
And finally Avynlea and Ben got their chance to perform. The tall girl is a big tree and all of the little kids were leaves hanging from the tree.
Rylee went up for a second to be a leaf but then got tired of it and got back down.
They were hanging on really tight but as the "wind" started to blow they were supposed to let got and tumble to the ground. Well all of the kids played their part really well, except Avynlea. This kid would not let go and tumble down. All of the kids were tumbling down and we kept encouraging Avy to do the same but she would just smile, shake her head, and stand her ground! She was a very strong leaf!
Ben stood his ground also but eventually the wind was too much and he tumbled, where he was raked into a pile and then burned with the rest of the fallen leaves. But not Avy she was that one stubborn leaf left on the tree!