Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter Egg Hunting!

Today we went out to the Farm and had our annual Easter Egg Hunt with the cousins. This year Alison hid the eggs at Jeremy and Gwen's house so we all headed over there.
It took Rylee a little bit to warm up to the idea but once she started finding the first couple she then got a little bit more into it. Then when she discovered the candy that was inside she really started to have fun!
Avynlea was really enjoying herself! They hid the eggs really good this year so it was a good challenge that wasn't over too quickly!
Kenedy was the first to fill her bucket up!
Ryker had no problem finding the hidden goodies. Of all the kids he was the most excited about this hunt and kept asking when it was going to start. His excitement about it all was so cute!
Kefford was told that there was an egg hidden in the chicken coop so he took Rylee to investigate. She was not too sure about the chickens!
Can you see the bit of nervousness in her face. She is really good with her facial expressions and with mimicking things and later, when I was asking her about going into see the chickens she showed me that she was first surprised and then showed that she was crying a little. I need to get video of her doing it cause it is really funny. She is quite the actress!
Cute little Avy with her vampire fangs!
I was walking around making sure all the eggs were found when Kefford took this picture of me!
Now I am just watching Alison look for any missing eggs! :)
The kids had a lot of fun at the Eater Egg Hunt and we really appreciate Alison for doing it for them.