Monday, April 27, 2009

Good Friends

I went to Utah this weekend for my sisters graduation. While I was there I got to hang out and reconnect with two of my good friends from my first year in college.
Alice "Rita" and I met because she lived a couple doors down from me and we were in the same ward. There was an instant connection with this girl and we had so much fun and so many laughs. She was and still is one of my favorite people and I am so glad that we have been able to stay in touch all these years.
My family had planned on staying the night in Provo because of my sisters graduation and when my Mom expressed concern about fitting all of us siblings in the hotel room, I jumped at the chance to stay at "Hotel Alice". We had so much fun talking, laughing and making a late night run to Sonic in our pajamas! Thanks Alice for letting me crash at your place and for the good times. Love ya girl!
LynnMarie and I became friends at Ricks because we were both dance majors and most of our classes were together. My fondest memories with her were, of course dancing together, but also the little road trip we took to Utah valentines day weekend. Time there was spent admiring her grandparents "foot" pedigree chart, having her little sister try to hook me up with her cousin and gagging at all the couples getting engaged on valentines day at the Temple. She moved to Utah after that first year and we kinda lost touch, but good news, we found each other on Facebook and have been able to reconnect again.
It was really cool of her to drive to Ogden so that we could hang out at my sisters house and find out what we have been up to. I had lots of fun chatting up old times and this is one more friend whom I am happy to have back in my life! Love you too LynnMarie!