Sunday, December 31, 2023

Matthew's Homecoming and New Years Eve

Matter Larson was coming home from his mission on December 28th and Becky invited us to come to the airport to meet him with his family. We love Matthew and were excited to see him after his mission. I have an adult ballet class I have been going to Friday mornings and so I went to my class and said I would come home after, change my clothes and then we could all head over to the airport together. While I was in class Abbey, Matthews sister, sent Ryker a text telling him his flight was landing early. Kefford tried calling me but since I was in class I didn't hear my phone ring. I decided to leave class a little earlier then planned so I could make sure to have time to change when I got home. As I was walking out I saw Kefford had called and when I called him back he said they were all already on their way to the airport so I had to go straight to the airport from ballet. I was stressed thinking I was going to miss him arriving home so I drove a little faster then normal and after I parked I ran in. I got there in time and I realized I didn't have to rush since his flight didn't get in until about 15 minutes after I got there and it took him a while to get off and come out. When he finally came out it was good to see him and we all gave him hug. It was fun to see him and Ryker together again, they were great friends before their missions and I hope they can continue the friendship. Avynlea and Rylee left soon after greeting Matthew and after taking a picture with him and his parents Kefford, Ryker and I left also.

Becky, Steve, Kefford, Matthew, Ryker and Elizabeth 

New Years Eve was on Sunday so we went to church and after we came home we kind of treated it like any normal Sunday. Avynlea went to spend time with her friends while the rest of us just sat around. It wasn't anything great but I do like having my family around. Of course I went to bed at a normal time, staying up to welcome in the New Year has never interested me and I would rather have sleep than staying awake till midnight.