Saturday, January 6, 2024

Avynlea Goes Through the Temple

 Diana, Amy, Natalie, Paige, Avynlea and I wanted to get together one last time before Natalie and Paige headed off to College after Christmas Break. We met at The Wing Stop and had a nice dinner visiting and catching up. After dinner was over we gave hugs and took a picture of the girls. We should have taken one of all of us but we didn't think of it that night. That's ok, it was a good night and nice to see everyone again.

March 6th was a very special day for our family, Avynlea decided to go through the Temple! Ryker was still here and Kenedy and Tyler came into town so we were all able to go through with her which was really nice. I love being with my family in the Temple. Sadie Niblett got her mission call, she is going to the Dominican Republic in May and she and Avynlea wanted to go through the Temple for the first time together. I thought that was a special thing to do and was all for it. It was a good Temple session and Avynlea was a little overwhelmed but it seemed like she was into it. As a Temple Matron Alison talked to Avynlea before the session and it was a good chat and she gave her a lot of good advice. I hope Avynlea develops a love for being in the Temple and has a desire to go often.

Avynlea and Sadie

Ryker, Tyler, Kenedy, Avynlea, Elizabeth and Kefford