Friday, February 10, 2023

State Cheer

Districts and State were only a week apart which was not a lot of time to really effectively change anything in the routines. Avynlea had early morning as well as afternoon practices all week which made for a long week. The theme on this day was Dynamic Duos and Avynlea and Paige went as Mario and Luigi. I love that these hats I made so long ago are still getting use!
Christina had State shirts made for the girls which was a nice thing for her to do, they also have all of their names on the back. Us cheer parents were able to order some short sleeved ones to wear to the State Competition so I did get one.
The girls had to take their name stickers off their boxes and turn them in to Christina since they no longer need them this season. That was a sad day for Avynlea who has had her box for the three years she has been on Varsity, she did sign her name inside it and hopefully it doesn't get painted over.

The craziest thing happened today. I went to the store this morning after the temple to get Ryker some things for your valentines package and brought them home and got a package ready to send to him. I really didn't want to go back out to ship it so I put that off for a while. At about 2ish I called my Mom to tell her Happy Birthday and when she didn't answer I decided to leave to send Ryker's package. I got my shoes on and got ready to go when my Mom called me back so I put off leaving again . I decided to leave at 4:45 to go to the UPS store to send the package and then from there I was going to go pick up Rylee from Practice. So I went into the store and they were able to help me right away. As the guy was measuring the package and putting the info in I could hear the woman next to me talking about sending a missionary package. I looked over and tried to catch her eye so I could be like look me too but she didn't and then the guy helping me started talking so I paid attention to him. He said out loud this is going to the Texas Houston East Mission and I said yes. The woman next to me heard and turned to me and said you have a missionary in the Texas Houston Mission and I said yes.... IT WAS ELDER FROGLEYS MOM!!!!!! Ryker's first companion and basically his Mission Bestie. What are the odds of that happening!!?? We started talking and talked for a long while before I was like I need to go. So we exchanged information and are going to get together sometime soon. I was 20 minutes late picking up Rylee but she was understanding especially when I told her what happened. This was not just a crazy coincidence; this had to have been orchestrated by the Lord. I don't know why but it was pretty fun and I really like his Mom a lot. 
Avynlea got her uniform for Fierce cheer and tried it on for me. She is wearing a mesh liner underneath but unfortunately it does not fit very well and Avynlea does not like the black. I will have to order her a new one and in nude, I hope the new one is not as sheer.
Camille Summers is a member of our church who we got to know and would see every Tuesday before Covid at my kids regular Baptism time. Her daughter cheers for Rocky and she knew Avynlea cheered for Meridian and we would talk about cheer often. We don't have that regular time we go anymore but I will see Camille at the competitions and it is fun to visit. Her daughter Kaisley is also cheering for Fierce this year which is a lot of fun. Camille got a picture of Hannah, Kaisley and Avynlea together before the competition started 
Kenedy and Tyler came up this weekend to watch Avynlea at State but also to take her wedding dress to Nyssa to have Julene Bowens alter it for her. She just needed a little bit let out in the arms and then the hem needed to be taken in. They were coming late Thursday night and Kefford had Baker in the morning so as he was going to bed he told me that when they came to take the visiting upstairs. I told him that we were not going to visit, they were going to arrive and I was going to say hi and then go to bed. He again said make sure to keep the visiting upstairs, weird. When they arrived Emily came in with them which was a surprise and suddenly the visiting upstairs comment made sense. I was so happy to see her and we did go upstairs to visit and we ended up talking until 2:30 in the morning, yikes. 
It was so fun having Emily at the State Competition with me, my family misses out on so much in my kids lives and so it is always so special when I have family with me.
I also loved having Kenedy and Ty there with us, having them there was so much fun and I am glad they were able to be with us.
Emily, Elizabeth, Kefford, Kenedy and Ty
I got another prayer huddle picture with the small stunt group. They put in some changes in their routine and they did not do as well as they hoped at this competition which was really sad. Later I asked Avynlea how she was feeling and she was so positive and said that it was a bummer it didn't perform as well but she know if they had more time to practice and do more repetitions she knows they would have done amazing. I love her positive attitude and her glass half full mentality!

Our support for Avynlea was out there for everyone to see, we love our girl!

Avynlea is back row third from right

Avynlea is in the back right of the group in front of the team in red

Team love

Small stunt group with Alyssa. Alyssa was the coach in charge of their stunt group and she did a great job supporting and helping them.
Katie, Roree, Kylee, Avynlea, Hannah and Alyssa

Avynlea and Alyssa

Avynlea, Paige, Katie and Natalie

back row: Diana, Ty, Kenedy, Kefford, Elizabeth and Emily
front row: Natalie, Amy and Diego

Avynlea and Kenedy

Ty, Avynlea and Kenedy

Ty and Avynlea

I think Kenedy likes having a fiancé who is tall and strong and can lift her easily

Emily, Avynlea, Elizabeth and Kenedy

Emily and Avynlea

Kefford, Elizabeth, Emily, Avynlea, Kenedy and Ty

There is no escaping Natalie's Fat Head!

Kefford, Avynlea and Elizabeth

Avynlea, Natalie and Paige

Elizabeth, Diana and Amy

I love these ladies!

Camille also sent me a picture of all the girls at the competition who Chee at Fierce in a picture together. The girl in the jeans is a coach at Mountain View but is also one of their coaches at Fierce.
back row: Brenna, Ellie, Hannah, Kaisley, Dreya, Tori, Carlee and Coach Allie
front row: Avynlea, Alayna and Aliya