Friday, February 3, 2023

Cheer Senior Night

Here we are again, another cheer senior night. I have to admit this one came around a lot faster then I expected. Avynlea has not always had it easy through her 4 years of High School Cheer but she has stuck with it and has been able to find the fun despite the hard times.
The girls got Senior sashes and they had their posters displayed in the hallway outside the gym. We did not have any family here to support Avynlea outside of Kefford, Rylee and I. I invited Alison but she was not able to make it which was understandable, she has a lot going on with her Temple Service. I was feeling a little sad as we were walking into the gym with Avynlea as she was announced that we did not have anyone to take video or pictures for us. After the night was done and we were home Amy sent me a video that her niece Bailey took of us walking in with Avynlea and I almost cried, it touched me so much that she took the video and I will forever be grateful to her for it. 
It was a fun night and I am glad that Avynlea was able to feel celebrated and that she had a chance to look back on her cheer career through the pictures on her poster.
Avynlea, Natalie and Paige 

Avynlea jumped in with Natalies family as they were taking a family picture, she feels like she belongs and I am grateful for the love they have shown my girl.
Avynlea, Ryan and Natalie
Avynlea also felt the need to take a picture with Natalie and her boyfriend. I am sure Avynlea felt like a third wheel to their relationship a lot,

Avynlea and Rylee

Avynlea and Elizabeth

Kefford and Avynlea

The Fab Four 

Amanda came to support the girls which was super sweet of her, she has been a good source of support for them this year despite not being a coach anymore
Paige, Avynlea, Amanda and Natalie
Avynlea and Amanda

Hannah, Avynlea, Dreya, Hailey, Natalie and Paige
The three girls and us Mamas..
Diana and Natalie, Elizabeth and Avynlea, Amy and Paige
and then of course Rylee had to get in the action