Sunday, November 18, 2018

Visiting Seattle

Mallory sent me an email quite a few months ago telling me I should come and visit them after they have their baby with a link to some really great airline deals. I thought that was a fantastic idea but didn't jump on the real fast enough and lost out on the super cheap airline ticket. I was really bummed out about it but a few weeks later the same deal came around and I jumped on it. 
My drivers license expired the day of my birthday so I went to the DMV and spent hours there to get my license renewed because I knew I would need a new one to fly. I was given a temporary license and I thought I was good to go with that. But no, at the airport I was stopped trying to go through security because I had a temporary license. I was given an in depth pat down and they went through all of my stuff. It was pretty embarrassing but at least I made it through. I was told that they would have accepted my expired drivers license and I was really mad about that. Oh well, I made it through.
Joshua and Amos picked me up at the airport and when I turned to talk to Amos he started crying, what a silly boy. I brought him a tractor and gator miniatures and gave him the gator while in the car to try to win him over, it did not help. 
We drove to the mall so that Amos could make it to his haircut appointment and Amos was not thrilled at all with getting his hair cut. Joshua tried to distract him with pos and the TV they had on but the poor boy spent the entire time crying. I felt bad but stayed back because given the reaction to me in the car I didn't  think I would be any help to the situation. After the hair cut was done we took Amos to the little play area in the mall and it was there that he finally warmed up to me. Yay
Once he had his fill of daytime we loaded up and went to their home where I got to see Fredrick and Mallory. Fredrick is so cute andI got to spend lots of time holding him and when I wasn't holding him I was playing trucks and cars with Amos. It was a really fun trip and I enjoyed every minute with my cute nephews.
Amos knew the name of every vehicle in his collection and he quickly learned the names of the Tractor and Gator I gave him. He really liked the added toys to his collection, 

 I got there Wednesday morning and left saturday morning, it was a really quick trip but a really fun trip. 
When I was dropped off at the airport I got into the mile long security line and realized I left my jacket and wallet at Joshua's. I was not too worried about it because he said they would send them to me and I had my temporary ID which even though I would have to get a pat down at least it was something to get me through security. Wrong. In addition to the full body pat down and the bag search I also had to answer security questions because i could not produce anything with my name on it. It was not fun and really embarrassing but I finally made it through.