Saturday, November 3, 2018


Because I live so close to the Temple I periodically get asked by family members if I would babysit their kids so they can go to the Temple. I am usually willing and when Mikell asked me if I would watch her kids so she and Steve could go do a session I was happy to agree. A couple of days later Whitney asked me if I would babysit her kids so she could go. Again I was happy to agree to it. Mikell was planning on going the second week of November but when I found out the Meridian Temple was closed that week I told her to just bring her kids when Whitney was and I would watch all of them while they went. She was a little hesitant to bring her kids at the same time thinking it would be too much for me but I assured her that it was preferable since they could play with each other.

So on Friday morning I had three of Whitney's kids and all five of Mikell's kids. Whitney brought some little paint books for the kids to do and after I painted the girl's nails and they played with toys they gathered around the table to paint and have a snack.
Brooke, Jason, Kinsley, Kelly, Jenna, Sadie and James

Later they wanted to watch a movie so I help baby Laney and watched pixar shorts with the kids.

I had a lot of fun with my little nieces and nephews and decided that I would like to do this a little more often with all of my sisters in law so they can enjoy the Temple and I can play with their kids.