Saturday, September 19, 2015

Back to Ballet and Cheering in the Rain

These two girls have been taking a hip-hop and Jazz class for the past couple of years. This year Avynlea expressed a desire to take a ballet class. There were not any ballet classes they could take on Friday nights when I teach and so I signed them up for a Monday combo class. They will be learning ballet and jazz. I was a little excited for their class and the fact that I could actually sit with the Moms and not be a teacher while they danced. But then Kim asked me if I would assist with their class and I said I would. It is nice to be with my girls and I know they like having me in there with them. I am so excited for this year and to watch my girls doing ballet again. The last time they took a class together was quite a few years ago and it was a ballet class. They are the cutest!

Thursday Avynlea and I went to watch Kenedy cheering at the JV game against Kuna. It was a pretty crazy day weather wise with it being stormy throughout the day. I was fighting a cold and knew if the rain started while we were there we had to leave because I did not want to make my illness worse. Sure enough right after halftime the rain started coming down and we had to leave. I felt bad for being a fair weather friend but I have my health to think about. Also I was going to have to leave close to that time anyway because it was close to 8:00 and with Kefford being at a Sunday School regional meeting I had to get home to get kids to bed. I managed to take a few pictures of Kenedy cheering in the rain before we booked it out of there. She really is so fun to watch!

When we left at halftime the score was 6-28 Kuna. But when Kenedy came home she told us the final score was 54-36 Meridian! Wow, we really missed a fun game! Kenedy had a lot of fun cheering and said the rain was not too bad. What a beautiful trooper she is!