Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Wax Museum

Fourth graders stud Idaho History and since Ryker is a fourth grader this year he is wrapped up in all things pertaining to Idaho History. To celebrate the Idaho knowledge the fourth graders had a choir concert (which I had no idea about until 30 minutes prior, thanks for being on the ball with the notes home Ryker) in which they sang songs having to do with the History of Idaho. It was actually really fun. They performed dances which we got a little video of but no pictures and they played their recorder.

After the music the fourth graders went into the halls and set up for their wax museum. Each of them picked a historic, past or present, famous Idaho figure and were supposed to research them and them prepare a short little spiel about them. They came dressed up as their character and were supposed to be frozen until yo put some money in their cup. The money they earned is used for something fourth grade related I obviously have no idea what. Ryker was Henry Spalding a christian missionary who taught the Navajo Indians. I thought he looked super cute in his cotton ball beard and think he did a great job!