Saturday, February 4, 2012

Avynlea Love

 I took the kids to the Dentist last week and Avynlea was done first. She came out and showed me her new toothbrush and then noticed something strange on the package. The toothbrush is the fancy kind that has the tongue cleaner thingie on the opposite side of the bristles and the package was sporting a smaller one I guess so you can feel it before you buy it. Anyway Avy thought that was cool and peeled it off the package so she could play around with it. She is the funniest little goofball!

Avynlea has been a major thumbsucker since she was just a teeny baby. We have tried multiple times and many different ways to get her to quit but nothing worked, she loved her thumb. She even had a thumsucking blanket that she used. It was a fleece one that Whitney made for Ryker when he was a baby. It is really soft and it has the tassle things and it is the tassle things that she liked to hang on to as she was doing her thumbsucking. Well this kid was a thumbsucker and despite trying to get her to quit I was ok with it...until she lost her front teeth. That was when I started to worry about her permanent teeth coming in and thinking that her thumb was going to cause her major damage. So I came up with a bargain. I told Avy that if she stopped sucking ehr thumb I would let her get a kitty. Avynlea loves animals and has always wanted a pet. She thought that was a good deal and said ok. The next morning avynlea came to find me after she woke up, showed me her thumb and let me know that she did not suck her thumb at all. I was amazed and asked her how she did it and what she said was so grown up. she said "I decided that I wanted a pet more then I wanted to suck my thumb". Wow! That did it from that point on she has not put her thumb in her mouth and she even got rid of her thumb sucking blanket saying that it was too much temptation. What a girl!

Over a bit of time Avynlea decided that she really wanted a hamster instead of a kitty and so I told her that we would get her hamster after we came back from our trip to California. She got the hamster cage for Christmas and then when we got back Erin and I took her to the pet store so that she could get her hamster. She picked a cute hamster and when we got home told me that her name was Britney. It took a while for the hamster to get acclimated to all of us but once we thought it was time I let Avynlea try to hold her. Avy got bit about three times and on the third time blood was drawn. Even after all that Avy still loves her hamster and is now able to hold her and play with her. It is really cute to see them together and Avynlea thinks Britney is just adorable and so that everything she does is so cute!