Monday, February 6, 2012

Avynlea is 7!!

Avynlea is now a big seven year old! Avynlea woke up on her birthday with a surprise under her pillow. The day before she came home from school will a big secret to tell. While she was eating her corndog at lunch one of her teeth fell out. I didn't even know she had any loose teeth so that was a surprise to me. So she put that tooth in a baggie under her pillow that night. Kefford and I snuck in after Avynlea was asleep to put some money under her pillow but we could not find her tooth. Kenedy was awake and was telling us that she didn't know where Avynlea put it. So Avynlea woke up, kind of, during our rummaging and we told her the tooth fairy couldn't find her tooth and that she needed to tell us where it was. She put it on top of a pile of books that Kenedy had on the floor by her bed. Craziness! So we put it under her pillow and then waited until she was asleep again to put some money under there. So anyway Avy woke up with $2 under her pillow and a great start to her birthday.

I wished Avynlea a happy birthdya and told her to get ready for the day. She came out not too much time later wearing one of the most mismatched outfits i have ever seen. I very nicely took her back into her room and said I would help her find a special birthday outfit. Rylee came out wearing her black and pink skirt for the second day in a row and I asked her if she would be willing to let Avynlea wear her skirt for her birthday. Rylee said no and that it was her special skirt and that she loved it best of all. I understood and said she didn't have to and we set about finding something else for her to wear. A couple of minutes later Rylee came out with her skirt in her hand and said that Avynlea could wear her skirt because it was her birthday. Seriously she is such a sweetheart!

I bought doughnuts for the kids and once they had their breakfast off to school they went.
When Avynlea came home from school she had this cute crown on her head that her best friend gave to her.
Avynlea requested pancakes for dinner and so I made chocolate chip pancakes and scrambled eggs for dinner, so easy!
Then it was time to open her presents, she got a hamster wheel...
new monkey slippers...
bracelet making kit which they all loved. Avy was very generous and let her sisters make bracelets with her.
clothes and movies from her Grandma Alison..
money from Great Grandma Peterson...
she also got calico critters and new tennis shoes. I guess I got tired of taking birthday present pictures. :o)

About a week or so ago Avynlea decided to take Rykers DS into the bathtub with her and in the process dropped it in the water. Yup it was ruined. When Ryker found out he was not happy, lots of crying was heard throughout the house from Ryker and Avynlea. Ryker because his DS was ruined and Avynlea because of what she had done. So Kefford sent it off to get fixed and it was deemed unreparable and they sent him a new one, pretty cool. Kefford also found a pink DS on craigslist and bought it for the girls since they always want to play Rykers. Well Kefford told Ryker that they couldn't fix his and that Kefford bought a him a new one and then he gave him the pink one. This was Ryker when he saw it.
bummed on the color but surprisingly ok with it.
Kefford then gave him the one he got in replacement and Ryker was super happy.

When I asked Avynlea what kind of cake she wanted she told me that she wanted a strawberry ladybug cake. I thought yeah I can do that but after two failed batches of frosting and a huge lack of self-cofidence I went to Fred Meyers the morning of her birthday and asked if they could make a ladybug cake by that night. I was so happy when they said it would be no problem. I was super doublely happt when I picked it up later that afternoon and saw how cute it was. Avynlea loved it and I was relieved that I didn't ruin her birthday by not fulfilling her request.
It was a great 7th birthday for Avynlea and here are five things I love about my third child.

1) I love how funny she is. Avynlea does the quirkiest funniest things and is always making me laugh. She is such a clown and is so delightful to be around. i love her fun personality.

2) Avynlea has turned into a reader. Avy started out the school year in the lowest reading group and within a couple of months made the big jump to the highest reading group. She has to read aloud to me every day and has never once complained about doing it. She really enjoys reading and that makes me so happy to have another book lover in the family!

3) Avynlea has a generous spirit about her and is constantly sharing and being kind to her siblings. She is hardly ever selfish and is a joy.

4) I love her giggles. Her laughter is contagious and it makes me smile.

5) I really love watching Avynlea dance. She has some serious dancing skills and it makes me happy how happy dancing makes her.

Avynleas favorite things:
1)Food: Pineapple
2)Treat: Candy Bars
3)Animal: Tiger
4)Color: Aqua
5)Church Song: Praise to the Man
6)any Song: Love Story by Taylor Swift
7)Toy: Calico Critters
8)Friend: Makenzie
9)Book: Put me in the Zoo
10)Holiday: Valentines Day
11)Thing to do: Play with hamster Britney
12)School Subject: Science and Library
12)favorite thing about being 7: being in first grade