Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Oh Christmas Tree

Every year since a couple years after our marriage we have put up a fake tree. It was not that big of a deal for us not to have the real tree because I figured the fake tree would be less mess and I got that pine smell we would miss out on from a scented candle. So really, having a fake tree was no big deal. But this year Kefford was set on getting a real tree. I was a little against it because I kept picturing this huge pine needle mess all over my house but like the trooper I am I went with it. We were expecting Kefford to come home the first Monday in December to pick us up to take us with him to pick out a tree, what a not quite surprise to see him pull up with a tree already in the bed of his pick-up truck. He said that there was a tree farm right next to his work that had seven foot trees for only $20. Not too shabby. So rather then coming home to get us and backtracking he just got a tree. Perfect!

Kefford was in charge of putting all of the lights on. This tree is a bit bigger then our normal fake tree so Kefford had to go to Wal-Greens to get some more light strands. After the lights were placed just so Avynlea got the important job of putting the star on top. Every year the kids take a turn putting the star on top and this year the honor fell to Avynlea. She was quite excited about that important job!

After the lights on tinsel garlands were placed it was time to hang the ornaments. Last year I thought smart and packed up the kids ornaments all together. So each kid had their special ornaments in their own boxes. So they got to unwrap and put on their own ornaments without me going through and hunting for them all. Once they got done with theirs Kefford and I let them do ours. I was quite happy to turn that job over to the kids. I am not a huge fan of hanging the ornaments and get bored really easily. So this year I was able to sit back and let the kids do it!

After we got our tree all decorated I brought out our new Christmas book. Every year we get a new book to add to our collection of Christmas stories. Usually Keffords Mom gets us a book but I saw this book at our schools book fair and could not resist. It's called "It's Christmas David!" by David Shannon. We have a David board book that we all love to read and when I saw this one I knew we had to have it. It is a really funny book about a little boy named David who has a hard time being good. The kids loved it!

I also found a couple more pictures of the kids opening their countdown bags.

What a bunch of goofballs!