Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Kenedy is growing up!

I knew for a while that this was the year that I needed to start preparing Kenedy for the joys of womanhood that she is fast approaching. I realize that she is only 10 1/2 but I wanted to do this before she started hearing things from classmates and also because fifth grade is the year that they get educated on the changing of their bodies in school. I wanted her to go into that presentation prepared and already knwoing what everything was. Because I had no idea how to go about this I bought this book for her to read and for us to look through together. It came highly recommended from a friend whom I trust completely.
It is a really great book and it is very tasteful talking about the changing that young girls will have to their body without getting crude or vulgar. The section on getting your period was very enlightening for Kenedy. She had no clue about any of it and after she read it she thought it would only happen once. I was the lucky one to shatter that dream...poor kid!

After all of the changes to your body talk I knew I needed to tell her the bare basics of what Sex is. I asked her if she had heard about sex and she said that she had heard the word before but did not know what it was. So I explained it to her and I was so embarrassed, I am sure I was beet red. I also had a hard time controlling my nervous giggles. Seriously I was giggling so much, it was pretty awkward. After I told her what she needed to know at this point the look on her face was priceless. Horrified, shocked, incredulous. Oh my poor baby! She loudly proclaimed that she is never going to do that and I had to laugh and say that was fine and good to feel that way now but at some point she will want to. She thought about the entire thing for a little while and then asked her one and only question regarding sex. She said "so did you and Dad do that one time and get all four of us?" I had to inform her that no we had to do it at least four times. Wowzers!

We got through it and when it is all said and done I am glad we did it. I would rather she hears this stuff from me and I want her to feel comfortable talking to me about these things and am hopeful that by doing this we will keep the lines of communication open!