Monday, April 5, 2010

Funny Rylee

Last night when I was brushing Rylees teeth getting her ready for bed, I noticed she had some eye goobers going on. So I pulled down her bottom eyelid and sure enough there was a nice long string of eye goobers just waiting to come out. So I got a washcloth and very gently cleaned them out. I put her to bed and then went to bed myself because I was sooo tired. The little stinker woke up crying at 11:00(Kefford went in to help her), 12:00 ( I went in to help her) and then again at 2:00 at which point she would not calm down so I pulled her into my room to sleep on the floor. She laid there for a while and then started crying again, Kefford had already left the room to sleep in Rykers bed. I thought he left because of Rylee but he told me today My coughing was annoying him. I have a weird cough that only really comes out at night. I, apparently sleep right through it, but it bugs Kefford so he leaves me so he can sleep. Anyway when Rylee started crying again I let her come into my bed to sleep, but first she had to go to the bathroom, UGH! I really just wanted to sleep and finally we went back to bed where we both fell asleep. In the morning I woke up and she was still asleep sprawled across my bed, as she breathed out she would make these little popping noises with her mouth, it was really cute. When the little darling wok up and came out I saw that she had one eye glued shut from serious nasty eye goobers and the other eye was pretty crusty. I talked her into letting me put a washcloth on her eye to help her eye open, she wouldn't let me touch the eye though to get out the crusties until much, much later in the day. Finally she was brave enough and I laid her down and got them off her eyelashes no problem. Hopefully this is a quick little illness but I am expecting more yucks tomorrow morning..oh joy. On the plus side this is my week for teaching preschool and since Rylee was sick I had to cancel todays class. I don't enjoy this teaching of preschool and so I am happy to be able to skip one of my days. :0) Bad Mom?

On a lighter note here are two cute little things my Rylee has done this past week that made me smile:

On Friday Rylee was in a really bad mood and at one point started throwing a serious tantrum. I was sitting on the couch trying to ignore her which is really hard to do because she is so loud. But she was running around screaming about who knows what and at one point she came over and picked up the pillow off the couch and threw it onto the floor. When she finally started to calm down, without me saying anything, she walked over to the pillow, picked it up and put it nicely back on the couch.

Today during Family Home Evening Kefford had the kids get up and one by one share their testimonies. They all did a really good job and then Rylee got up to do hers. As she was standing in front of us she got really shy and kind of just walked around and started tidying things up. I started talking her through her Testimony asking her "Do you believe Jesus loves you" to which she said "yes" so then I would tell her to say "I know Jesus loves me" then I would ask other questions and get her to say what she believes and knows. Throughout all of this she was wandering around tidying the room. After she was done and sitting down again Kenedy said "well at least we know that if we want the room cleaned we just need to have Rylee share her Testimony"!