Thursday, April 15, 2010

Say "Uncle"

My cousin Debbie has a blog where every monday she does a "memories of me, memory post". I think she has a jar and every week writes about the question that comes out of the jar. This week it was to write about her favorite Uncle. She wrote about my Dad and I thought it was such a great post and one that I want to keep for myself, so I stole it and am posting it here so I can have it forever. I appreciate her writing about my Dad and I really enjoyed reading about her memories of this great man! So just so we are clear this was written by my cousin Debbie and the pictures came from her blog also. Although I do have the picture of him drawing.

TODAY’S MEMORY JOGGER: “Talk about your favorite uncle.”

OK I hate it when I’m expected to choose one, out of a group of things or people, as my “favorite.” Who can pick their favorite from a basketful of adorable kittens? Each one has its little quirks and personality and one might have a crooked tail, or one especially cute ears or coloring. They’re all favorites, just for different reasons.
That’s how I’ve always felt about my uncles. I have two on my Mom’s side of the family, and three on my dad’s. I’d love to talk about each one of them (and eventually will) but for this post I’m going to write about the one I was closest to while I was growing up; my Uncle Jerry Lutes.
Uncle Jerry, or Fritz, as many people called him (though not us kids; we always called him Uncle Jerry) came into our lives when I was around 10 or so. He began dating my mom’s youngest sister, Bonnie, who at that time was in her 20’s and had recently graduated from BYU. (It’s weird to think how close in age Bonnie and I actually are – we’re probably only about 10 or 12 years apart!)
I first remember meeting Jerry Lutes at a family picnic. It may have been on the 4th of July around 1967. We were all at the park with Grandma Ware and Bonnie brought Jerry as her date. I liked him immediately. He was very friendly, and very playful. He played ball with us, and wrestled with us, and paid attention to each one of us kids in a very kind way. I liked that because often grown-ups ignored kids once the introductions were done, or said annoying things like “My, aren’t those freckles cute?” or asked pat questions like “What grade are you in, and do you like your teacher?” Like they were even interested in the answers!
And Uncle Jerry always treated me with respect, like a young lady, not a kid. I loved him for that, for sure!
So anyway, Bonnie and Jerry dated for quite some time. Then, as the story was told to me by my dad (who loves romance in all forms and told this story with great relish), Jerry asked Bonnie to marry him.
Bonnie was just not sure.
She asked for some time to think about it. A lot of time went by. Jerry got tired of waiting and moved somewhere far away (I think maybe Utah to attend BYU?).
Bonnie realized how much she missed him and wrote him a letter:
“I miss you. I love you. Marry me.”
I’m tellin’ ya, I remember this word for word. I thought it was SO romantic! Hey, I was at that age, remember? Ten or so? Give me a break!
Jerry came back and he and Bonnie got married. They lived in Utah for a time, then returned to California with their first baby, Stephanie. I sometimes babysat Stephanie which was always fun, she was a cute baby, and very happy and easy to take care of.
Over the years Jerry and Bonnie had 8 (yes, eight) more children, my cousins Jeremy, Erin, Elizabeth, Joshua, Emily, Ashleigh, Andrew, and Heather (not necessarily in birth order). With my other cousins in the Bisk family - Brian, Stacy, and Laurel - we had great fun gathering at my Gram Ware’s house for Easter Egg hunts, Christmas Eve parties, and Thanksgiving dinner, just to name a few.
Uncle Jerry was always there, and often in the thick of things with us kids. Like my dad, he was young-at-heart and joined in the games with as much enthusiasm as the youngest children. If Gram Ware organized us into baseball teams Jerry was the loudest cheering from the sidelines, or he’d coach third base where he’d urge us to steal home whether or not it was a good idea!
One of the things I loved about Uncle Jerry was his artistic abilities. I loved drawing, painting, and other types of art myself, and admired anyone with talent in those areas. And he had talent. He drew portraits, designed many of his kid’s birth announcements, and painted a series of lighthouses for a collection he called “Fingers of Light” for his Master of Arts exhibit at UC Fullerton (see photo at top of this post).
And, get this? For some years he worked at Disneyland! First, he did caricatures of people – how fun is that? And then! He worked in Gepetto’s Toy Shop on Disneyland’s Main Street where he drew Mickey Mouse and other Disney characters. These original drawings were then shrunk down to fit inside the face of a watch and sold in the store. Can you imagine? Truly, you couldn’t get any cooler.
{Uncle Jerry at work in Gepetto’s Toy Shop – Disneyland}
I just wish I’d had a chance to buy one of those watches. Not too long after he started that job Uncle Jerry died suddenly and very unexpectedly. It was a huge shock to us all.
My life is richer for having had him in it. I still miss him very much.