Saturday, November 18, 2023

Utah State vs Boise State Football Game

 Kefford had some extra time off before Thanksgiving and we talked about how to use it. One thing Kefford wanted to do was to go to Logan to attend the Utah State vs Boise State game. We thought it would be fun to meet up with Ryker and go to the game so Kefford got tickets for me, Rylee and himself. When we got to Logan Ryker was busy with schoolwork so we walked around campus and went into the bookstore where we got Ryker a Utah State beanie, I also found a Utah State puzzle that we got for Kelsey and Brit for Christmas. They met while attending Utah State and I thought it would be a fun gift for them. 

When we got to the game we were pretty hungry so we got some food before we got our seats. It was really cold and Rylee and I were both happy that we brought blankets to help keep us warm. Ryker was going to the game with a date and we saw him when he came in but he didn't come up to talk to us. Rylee went down with him to be with him in the student section but came back up after about a quarter because she wanted the warmth of the blankets.  

It was a good game for Boise State because they won by a lot, Utah State did not do very well and had a lot of interceptions and did not play very well which was a bummer for Ryker.