Monday, June 27, 2022

Utah: Day 4

Emily came over today! Yay! I was so happy to have her come and hang out with us. The boys were playing with their magnetic tiles and didn't like Leona getting in the way so I pulled out the bean box for her to play in.

Amos was invited to a swim birthday party so we went to Target to get a gift for the birthday girl. Fred was a little bummed about not going to the arty so we let him pick out a craft that he could paint when Amos was at the party. Fred loves crafting and had a lot of fun painting his craft as well as closing and using stickers. I took Amos to the party and when I picked him u he said it was fun and liked showing us his party favors. The snake he liked the My Little Pony mask he did not like.
The kids played in the backyard again and made a bigger mess with the sand and rocks in their hobbit house. We tried to clean it u the best we could.
Dinner was yummy and we had Isabelle and Emily eating with us which was fun.
After dinner we did bath time and it was crazy to me how much Leona liked dumping water on her head, in fact I washed all of their hair and none of them minding having water dumped on their heads. Good for them!

Once we got them all to bed Andrew let us girls go out for ice cream while he stayed with the kids.

We had so much fun on our night out, we got ice cream and went to target to wander around and when it was time to head back home we stopped to get ice cream for Andrew.