Friday, December 31, 2021

New Year's Eve

 New Years Eve.

During the day we were invited to Claire Lyons first birthday party. We got a box of bathtub crayons in the tote box from Kefford's parents which we probably were not going to use so we wrapped it up and gave them to Clair for her birthday. As we were heading out the door I made took another picture of Rylee in another one of her Nerdy Chic outfits. Super cute!

Ally came and stayed a couple of nights and for New Years Eve Rylee and Ally went to the Muti-stake New Years eve dance. Avynlea went to one of her friends parties and after about an hour she called and said it was boring and she came home and went to the dance with Kaitlyn Lindley, Presley Berger and Paige Montgomery. They stayed there for a little bit before leaving and going to a different New Years Eve Party.

Kefford and I went out to eat and then we went over to the Londleys for a little bit to eat some food and hang out with them, The Olsons, and The Showmakers. WE were having a ton of fun hanging out with them but we had to leave at 9 so we could take Rylee to the dance.

After dropping the girls off we came home and hung out watching TV. I did not stay up until Midnight but Kefford did, he is the designated stay up until the kids come home guy because he is able to stay up later than I am.
It was a good New Years Eve and hopefully this new year brings more joy and fun into our lives:)