Monday, August 19, 2019

Life Back Home

Coming back home from our trip to Alaska was fun in that we got to see our kids again. I missed them while we were gone. We were playing games upstairs when Rylee left to go do something. I asked her if she would get me a cup of water which she sweetly did. Kenedy asked her for a cup of water also and Rylee brought her back a spoon of water. She is too funny! I enjoyed watching her give Kenedy her spoon of water. After Kenedy was a good sport Rylee went out and brought in the cup of water she had for Kenedy.
Rylee is doing Volleyball this year at school and before one of her practices she had 7th grade registration. We printed off her schedule from online and using that we found her classes and her locker. Her locker is in the same hallway as most of her classes, must be the 7th grade hall, which was pretty convenient. I paid her fees and took a picture of my superstar 7th grader before leaving her to practice her sport.
On my way out Kim sent me some pictures of Nathanial, Eva and Lucy along with some jokes for me so I sent picture back with a joke of my own. I had Eva and Lucy in my class this last year and Nathanial has been in my class in previous years. They are the funnest, sweetest kids and they just moved to Utah and it makes me so sad to not see them anymore at the studio.

Avynlea started a picture and quote wall next to her mirror and it looks pretty cute. She is definitely exhibiting signs that she is now a teenager