Monday, August 26, 2019

Another First Day of School

August 26th was the first day of school for my kids. This summer went way too fast and it was a little sad to see them heading back to school. It has been fun having them around the past couple of months and we were able to do a lot of fun summer things. 
But back to school it is and we have Rylee in 7th grade at Star Middle School...
Ryker is in 11th grade at Meridian High School...
And Avynlea starting 9th grade at Meridian High School
I told Kenedy that the only job she had to do while at home for her break was to make the lunches. She has been making Hers and Kefford's lunches every day for work and now she has Avynlea and Ryker's lunches to add to the mix. Rylee is doing lunch helpers again in the cafeteria and gets free lunch in addition to being paid. 
I thought Kenedy's messages on the lunch bags to her brother and sister were quite comical. So nice to have your big sister packing your school lunches.