Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Shopping with my Sisters!

I found another online /in home boutique that I like and with my sisters in town I took them over to her house to do a little shopping. They all found some really cute things for themselves and Emily got some stuff for Isabelle while Heather grabbed some dresses for Mom and Jaylynn. It was a fun shopping trip and Heidi, the owner, was pretty excited with all of the sales she made. She encouraged my sisters to come back any time, hahaha.

After we treated ourselves to some Waffle Love and Sodalicious. 
Rylee woke up Monday morning complaining that she didn't sleep really well and she did not look good. I asked her if she was sick and she said no she was just really tired so I sent her to school. After my first dance class I got a call from her school nurse saying Rylee was in her office with a headache, a stomachache and a low-grade fever and she needed to be picked up. I had to teach another class and could not get away so I called Kefford and he was able to pick her up. Throughout the day she slept a lot and her fever increased and she was so hot. We gave her Tylenol to help with her aches and her fever and she seemed to do ok. The next day she was still little feverish so she stayed home again but seemed to improve as the day went on and by early evening was back to better. She was well enough to go to the Temple with Avynlea and Isabelle and she was able to get back to school the next day.

We did our shopping trip while Rylee was home sick and while I didn't want a soda from Sodalicious I did get one for Rylee.