Sunday, March 24, 2019

Avynlea's Choir Concert

I had a Relief Society birthday dinner to go to the same night that Avynlea was performing in her school choir concert. I felt bad not being able to go but I thought it was fine because Kefford was going. When Avynlea found out I wasn't going she was really disappointed and let it slip that she had a duet that she was really excited about that she kept quiet as a surprise. I felt really bad about that and told her I would go watch her when she performed at the Middle School Choir Festival the next week. That was a great compromise and I was really happy to be able to go and watch Avynlea perform. Her friend Sadie started off the duet and then Avynlea joined in. It was pretty impressive because they were singing A Capella while walking down the aisles in the auditorium. I was nervous on Avynlea's behalf but she did such a great job and I loved watching her and listening to her sing.
 She was then part of a small group of students that sang a part in the song on their own and that was fun to watch and listen to as well. She is the third girl from the right.
 Meridian High School Drama was performing the play Annie so I bought tickets for me and my girls to go and watch. It was super cute and i liked the girl who played the lead role, she did a good job. It was so fun listening to the music that I loved singing when I was a kid and I am really glad we went.
Rylee was super excited to turned 12 for lots of reasons but one of the main reasons was so she could get her own email address. She sent an email to Kenedy and Kenedy thought it was so sweet she put it in her instagram stories. I thought it was cute how much Rylee repeated that she had an email address.
I also found this screenshot in my pictures that Rylee took on Sunday while she and Kenedy were talking over FaceTime.
Avynlea has been good about studying her Come Follow Me lessons and she took a picture of her setup one day.
I took a couple of pictures of Ryker when he was mad at us again. Someday when he is a Dad complaining about his stinker kids I want to show him these pictures and remind him of what he put us through.