Saturday, January 14, 2017

The Cookie Challenge

Avynlea and Rylee both had friends over today and Avynlea came up with the idea of them all doing the cookie challenge. The cookie challenge has them drawing papers out of a bowl, those papers are 10 good ingredients to add to their dough and 10 bad ingredients to add to their dough. Once they have added the add ins they bake their cookies and then try them. Avynlea and her friend Rose mixed up chocolate chip cookie dough without the chocolate chips. After they were done with that they made a list of 20 ingredients, and then got out the food items to put on the table. 
The potential add ins were:
Raisins {A}
Oatmeal {A}
Chocolate Sauce {A}
Chocolate Chips {R}
Mini Marshmallows {R}
Candy Cane {A}
Mixed Berries {R}
Peanut Butter {A}
Nutella {A}
Sprinkles {R}

Miracle Whip {A}
Sour Cream {R}
Mustard {A}
Lemon Juice {A}
Ranch Dressing {R}
Barbecue Sauce {R}
Cheese {R}
Yogurt {R}
Pepperoni {A}
Relish {R}
I added an R for the ones Rylee had to put in and an A for the ones Avy had to put in.

Rylee and her friend Serena were on one team and Avy and Rose were on the other team. They took turns drawing papers and adding in the extra ingredients. It was funny to watch them do this and see their reactions to different things. Even though Raisins were listed under good Avy does not like them and was not thrilled when they chose that paper. Miracle Whip and Sour Cream were listed under bad but I told the girls lots of cake and cookie recipes could include these ingredients because they make the dish more moist. 
 After they finished with the add ins the girls "scooped" their cookie dough onto the cookie sheet and we put them in the oven. The smell of their dough was pretty bad and the dough looked really unappetizing. Rylee and Serena had the purple colored dough and Avy and Rose had the brown dough. 
After the cookies were baked they lined up and tried eating their creations. Getting them off the pan was a bit difficult and the girls had to eat broken cookies.

 The results are in, Avy gave the cookies a big thumbs down while Rose, Serena and Rylee gave them a thumbs up. 
The girls had a lot of fun doing this activity and it was a lot of fun to watch them. I am grateful I did not have to try the cookies, even though most of them said they liked them they looked and smelled too gross for me. 

Before Kefford and I left for our date to see Dr Strange at the theater we were all gathered in our bedroom hanging out. Ryker was talking about how tough he was and Kefford quickly showed how tough Ryker was not.

Later I found a selfie Kenedy took of herself on my phone. Maybe she was feeling left out of all the pictures.