Friday, July 15, 2016

Disney Running Shorts

My Mom and sisters have made it a tradition to run the Tinkerbell 10k and half marathon for the past 3 or 4 years. They want me to come and do it also and I would love to but it just never works out. It is usually over Mothers Day weekend in May and when I am teaching Dance that is the worst time for me to be gone because May is recital month and I am always so busy with recital prep. But the biggest reason is the expense. It is not a cheap race to run in the first place but then add in the expense for me to fly in and hotel costs and food and it is just too much money for me to justify. When Heather told me that Disney was doing a virtual 5k run series I thought this was a Disney run I could be apart of. Of course I wish I would run it with my sisters but at least I can be a part of something with them from a distance. You could either sign up for one or sign up for all and I opted to sign up for all three which would give me a finishers medal in addition to a medal for each one I did.  Since I was not running with anyone I decided I needed to give myself a challenge to make this more meaningful for me, I wanted to run each one with a faster time then the one previous and I did it! I am so proud of myself for how I completed each race and how I was faster with each one!
June 1, 2016
3.10 miles  9:17 min/mile
June 10, 2016
3.10 miles  9:05 min/mile

June 27, 2016
3.10 miles 9:02 min/mile
I got my medals in the mail and I was so excited to see them. I sent a picture to my family and when my sister saw them she thought they looked small. These medals are definitely not small so I sent a picture with one next to my hand to show the comparison.

It feels good to feel so accomplished!