Sunday, January 4, 2015

Fruit Salad

Avynlea has been asking me all week if she could make a fruit salad. I finally let her go for it and she was so happy. She made it with apples, bananas, oranges and kiwi. Once Rylee saw what she had she helped her eat hers and then made one for herself. Then Ryker saw what was going on and had to have one for himself too. What a bunch of fruit eating cuties.

As the girls were getting ready to go to bed Avynlea called out to me that Trinity was not in her cage. I went in to check and sure enough the hamster had gotten out because Avynlea left the hole exposed on the top of her cage. She didn't think she could get out and so was not concerned with the opening. I told them to start looking and called out to Kefford that we had a hamster on the loose. They found her pretty quickly under her doll bed and when they found her it was not a pretty sight. The Hamster was fine but the big hole she chewed in our carpet was not OK. I cannot believe the amount of damage this hamster did. Kefford and I were not happy at all. I tried taking a picture of the damage and it is a little blurry but I think one can get the picture of what happened. Kefford wanted to get rid of the Hamster then and there but he took a little while to think about it and hear Avynleas pleas and decided it could stay but once it dies no more Hamsters. I was OK with that. Darn that Hamster.