Saturday, November 22, 2014

Dating and Sewing

Tuesday night we had our Relief Society Christmas Dinner. Since I am on the committee I had to be there early to help set up and stay after to put everything away. Kenedy and her best friend Lauren were helping out in the Nursery and after the event was over they came out to eat dinner while we were putting things away. The table they were sitting at had to be put back under the stage so they were given a smaller table to finish their dinners at. I thought they looked so cute sitting there like they were on a little date that I had to take some pictures. After the pictures were taken they told me they were practicing their dating techniques for future dates. These girls are too cute!

AVynlea has been hounding me to teach her how to sew and so on Friday I finally had time to let her have a turn at my sewing machine. She bought a bed for her American Doll a long while ago and after I made a mattress for Rylee's Doll's bed for her Birthday I got some material to make Avynlea one for her Doll Bed. Unfortunately that project never made it to light until yesterday where I had Avynlea do it. She did a good job and wants to do more so I need to find more sewing for her to do. Rylee wanted to have a turn also and so I let her sew some pages together to make a book.