Monday, November 10, 2014

Birthday Fun

After Ryker had his party Kefford and Kenedy made everyone dinner. 
Kenedy had to leave soon to go baby-sit and so she had me open the present from her. It was a beautiful dress that she had pinned a couple of months ago with the hopes that she could get it for me for my Birthday. I love it and love that she has such great taste and knows what I would like.
After dinner I got to open my presents and Ryker opened his presents from us.
                                         From Rylee I got scented wax for my Scentsy.

Ryker got some more Legos the time with a Hobbit theme.

I love the movie Maleficent and was excited to watch it again with my very own copy!
Ha ha new underwear for Ryker

I sent Kefford an email a while ago that showed the Leather jacket I have been wanting for a long time on I told him that I have been wanting it, the color and size, and that he should jump on it because things go quick on this site. Unfortunately I knew he got it because I was sent a confirmation email but I forgot all about it and so it was a happy surprise when I opened it up and remembered that I was getting it. Yay for bad memories!
I got a birthday hug from Avynlea as she handed me my gift from Heather.

My very first Tiffanys box!!!! I was so excited! It was hard to open this little box up because it was wrapped so pretty.

I got my initial necklace. Heather and a couple of other members of my family have had initial necklaces for  couple of years and I suppose Heather finally decided it was time for me to get mine. I was so excited! It is so pretty and I will wear it all the time! She is the best sister and friend ever!!
Me and my Birthday buddy Ryker!

The next day on Sunday Ryker was able to receive the Priesthood. What a special moment that was for him and his Family. Most of Keffords family was able to come for this big milestone and I am grateful for their support and love. I sure love this guy and love watching him grow. 

My girls like taking pictures of sunsets and rainbows.

Sunday night Ryker got to go to his very first Fireside. He looked so handsome in his sweater watching a movie his sisters were watching while he waited that I had to take a picture. 
I opened up my birthday present from Brit earlier that day which was a cute apron she made for me. Later I was putting away the gift bag and I discovered another fun surprise. Qiana made me a sun catcher Giraffe. That explains why she was so excited for me to open my gift. I love that girl and love that she thought of me and wanted to make me something special for my birthday!

Ryker's Favorites:
Food: Steak
Sport: Basketball
Book: All Adventure Books
Color: Green
Dessert: Ice-Cream
Candy" 3 Musketeers
Friend: Braeden Irish and Baeden Jones
Primary song: Called to Serve
Radio Song: Monster by Imagine Dragons
Movie: Star Wars Episode 2
TV Show: Teen Titans
Toy: Nerf Sword
Thing to do: Read or play Nintendo
School Subject: World Civ or History
Car: Lamborghini 

5 things I love about Ryker

1) His thoughtful nature. He is quick to notice if I am not feeling well or if something is bugging me and always asks if I am OK or what he can do to help. He is that way with his sisters also if they are not feeling well, he is a great comforter.

2) He is doing so good in school. He cares about his grades and wants keep them high. He gets behind sometimes in turning in his work but quickly realizes what he needs to do and gets it done and turned in.

3) How excited he was to get the Priesthood and begin his duties as a Deacon. I was sick on Sunday and missed watching him pass the sacrament for the first time which really made me sad, but i loved hearing him tell me all about it and how he was nervous but luckily they gave him the easy route. I love this kid and his dedication to the Lord. He is growing up to be amazing!

4) His funny nature. Ryker gets pretty goofy and he makes me laugh a lot. He likes telling jokes and has discovered the art of the cootie catcher and likes to make those and have funny sayings inside.

5) Ryker is creative and very artistic. He loves drawing and does a really good job. I was as excited as he was to see the drawing books my brother sent to him and love watching him use them and show me his work. 

                    Basically I love this kid so much and am so grateful he belongs to me!