Thursday, February 28, 2013

Happy Valentines Day!

Happy Valentines Day!
I taught Dance that morning and when I was done I rushed over to Rylees school for her valentines party, she really wanted me to come. I got there too late for the food but in time to watch her open up her valentines. A kids first school valentines party is so exciting and fun.

Brylynn Cosper wanted to get in the picture with Rylee. What a funny kid!

 Ryker had to make a valentines box for school and since he chose Hobbit valentines he made a hobbit house. He did a really great job on it!

I helped Avynlea make a valentine monster for her valentine box. So cute!

Kefford brought me home some beautiful flowers and chocolate. The two of us then went out to dinner at Famous Daves which was pretty delicious. I did not get any pictures of us because I left my camera at home so the kids could take pictures of their valentines dinner.

 i sure do love my family!! O love this holiday also so that we can show love to all those around us. When Kefford and I got home I pulled out a balloon and a box of chocolate for each of my kids. I had to get the balloons because Rylee is always asking for a balloon when we go to the store. I am a good Mom! ;O)