Monday, March 4, 2013

Happy 13th Birthday Kenedy!

Before we get to Kenedys birthday festivities, I must acknowledge that the kids celebrated their 100th day of school. Rylee came home wearing this adorable 100th day hat. I LOVE seeing the cute Kindergartners walking out in fun hats, it makes my day! Her hat said "I am 100 days smarter" around the brim and then had 5 loops up on top that had 20 different items on it. So fancy and oh so cute!
In keeping with our new tradition of going out to eat on birthdays Kenedy (who initiated this tradition) picked...The Golden Corral. I think this place is becoming a new favorite with everyone. Rylee of course ate very little dinner and a lot of dessert. Every time I looked at her it seemed she had a different dessert in her hands. She was one hyped up kid for a while and then did her big crash down on the drive home. Sugar, sugar.

Kefford got some of the jello cubes and decided to go ahead and try swallowing them down whole. I thought he was crazy but we all enjoyed the entertainment. He swallowed two down and then got a third one that was a pretty big cube and swallowed that down with a lot more difficulty. I think he hurt his throat.

After we all stuffed ourselves we came home so that Kenedy could open her presents.

She loved all of her presents and I think she got spoiled quite nicely.
After presents is when we usually eat cake but everyone ate their fill at the restaurant and so we just sang Happy Birthday.

Can't believe she is 13!
Kenedy's Favorite Things

Food: Spaghetti and meatballs
Radio Song: Kiss You by One Direction
Church Song: As Sisters in Zion
Color: Purple
Friend: Hannah Blackburn
Book: Harry Potter
Movie: Megamind
TV Show: Duck Dynasty
Actor: Johnny Depp
Activity: dance
Hobby: Piano
Thing to do outside: Swim
Place to go: California
Candy: Reece's

5 things I love about Kenedy:

1) She is beautiful inside and out. I love that she takes care of herself and wants to look good. I am not sure I cared that much when I was her age. She is into wearing make-up but doesn't go overboard, mostly because I hold her back, but she doesn't really complain about it so its good.

2) She loves going to church and is developing a really great testimony. She has a lot of Faith and works hard to do what is right.

3) Kenedy is a hard worker at school. She has always gotten good grades and really enjoys doing well. She is definitely not the slacker he Mom was in school. I was (and still am) big into procrastination. Kenedy cares about her grades and works hard to keep them high.

4)I love watching Kenedy as a dancer. She has such a cute style that is fun to watch. It makes me happy that she loves dance so much. She is also quite good at playing the piano. Basically she is one talented kid.

5) As she has gotten older it has been more and more fun to hang out with Kenedy. She is funny and insightful. I like to go shopping with her although a new trend has started which is "please take me and my friend to the mall and drop us off and leave us alone until we are ready to leave, which will be never and you will have to hunt us down and makes us leave". That's cool though I can handle it because there are times that I can be the fun shopping buddy, especially since I have more money. ;O)