Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Ryless Mishap

Kenedy had he piano recital at one of the Boise church buildings. This building happened to have large picture windows right by the front door. Poor Rylee ran right into one thinking it was an open door. She was going at a full run too, man that had to have hurt. After the recital I had her pose by her smudges so I could get a picture!
Avynlea wanted her picture and decided to do a strange hiding by the brick wall pose. She has an armful of newspaper because she had  homework due the next day which we completely forgot about and needed newspaper which we didn't have. So luckily Aunt Vicki brought some and saved the day. She got her homework done that night. Yes I am that Mom. Procrastination! I am not a fan of homework, I cant help thinking that I went through 15 years of school and homework and now I have to do it again? Its the pits!