Saturday, April 9, 2011

Field Tripping with Kenedy

In the Fall Kenedys class went on a field trip to the capital for a red ribbon rally. Kenedy really wanted me to go and so I signed up to go and help out on the field trip. The day before her teacher called me to tell me that so many parents signed up to volunteer they did not have room on the bus. He said that I could drive myself and meet them there but I could not go on the bus. I decided to make it easier on me and everyone else and opt out of going. I still hadn't worked out babysitting arrangements for Rylee and I was not wanting to drive myself downtown and worry about meeting up with her class. I was fine with not going, Kenedy, however, was pretty disappointed. So I promised her that I would go on her next field trip.
The next one that came around was again to the Capital, but this time we were taking a tour of the Capital Building and not just hanging out outside listening to people tell me not to do drugs. I was ready to go and go I went.
When I first saw this picture after I took it I wondered what was wrong with my hat, it was looking a little bit wonky. Then I realized I had posed myself right in front of the building and that was not a really tall hat on my head. Kenedy and I laughed about it and then retook the picture.
Much Better!

We got to listen in on the Representatives in session. It was kind of interesting but also a little boring because I was not aware what they were talking about. I did find it interesting to see the lack of attentiveness with some of the Reps while others were speaking. But it was pretty boring so I don't blame them. Anything to get through the day right. :o)
While we were sitting in the room listening this Lady, Representative McKague, announced us and our school. that was kind of cool.
Our tour guide had us look up to the very top of the capital and told us that it was 208 feet to the top. How can we remember the height of the Capital? It is 208 feet to the top and Idahos area code is 208, totally not done on purpose just a random fun fact.

The Governor is Butch Otter and so this little display in the Governors office made me laugh.
I had lots of fun being with Kenedy on this field trip and am really glad I got to go with her. She is a fun kid to be around and I love her loads!