Tuesday, March 29, 2011

My Brave Cutie Patootie

This is the super cute outfit that Rylee got for her birthday from her Grandma Bonnie. I think she looks adorable in it and it is the perfect outfit for my little girlie girl princess!

On Tuesday March 30th Rylee had her 4 year old well child check up. I had decided before hand that I was going to have Rylee get her Kindergarten shots, just to get it done with and so we don't have to worry about it anymore. I talked to her about it and told her what was going to happen and she seemed to be OK with it. I told her that she was going to get some pokes and that it was going to her a bit but after we were done she got to have a sucker. While we were there waiting Rylee told me that she was going to be very brave. She was so cute and seemed totally unconcerned with everything.
Her four year old statistics are:
Weight: 37 1/4  75%
Height: 42  90%
After that they tried to check her vision but it was a little bit hard because Rylee did not know what some of the names of the pictures were. But the nurse determined that her vision was about 20/30 which she said was where it should be.
Finally it came time for the shots. the nurse gave Rylee a sucker to start sucking on because she said it helps to have a little bit of sugar in them. Rylee laid down on the table and was told to cross her arms over her chest. I stayed by her head and helped to hold her arms down and then the nurse began. Rylee flinched a little with each shot, a total of five, but never made a peep. She was so brave. I could tell by the fith one that she was probably going to lose it if she had to have anymore but luckily they were done.
Prevnar 13
Everything was fine until later that night when Rylee started to feel what was done to her. She got a fever and her legs were swelling up a little, all completely normal. She was crying pretty hard saying that her legs hurt and so I gave her some Tylenol so that she could feel better. She woke up 2-3 times during the night with a fever and in pain so I would give her more Tylenol. Finally I let her get in bed with me so I could help her a little better.
Despite all of the pain I am glad that we got this done with now so we don't have to worry about it ever again!