Friday, March 18, 2011

Happy 4th Birthday Rylee!

I cannot believe that my baby is now 4! Where have the years gone? Sometimes I think this little girl looks more like a 6 year old then a 4 year old. She is getting so big it's crazy.
Rylee has been so excited for her birthday to arrive and when it finally came she was ready to party! The day before her Grandma Alison came and took her and Kenedy clothes shopping for their birthday. I stayed home with the other two kids and let Rylee and Kenedy have fun with their Grandma. they both came home with some super cute clothes and accessories. I told Rylee to pick one of her new outfits to wear on her special day and she chose this pretty dress.
 Doesn't she look beautiful?!
 this is another outfit that she came home with that she wore on St. Patricks day.
Kefford came home from work a little early so that we could start celebrating Rylees birthday. He had meetings that night so we had to start early. First up we let Rylee open her presents and boy did she get some great presents.
Grandma Bonnie sent her a strawberry shortcake toy, along with a super cute new outfit and a bunch of packages of M&M's, her favorite candy.
 She got a card from Great Grandma Marge that had $5 in it. Pretty nice!
I bought her a Rapunzel Polly pocket that I thought to get that day. Once she opened it I told her that I got her that because after we had cake I was taking all the kids to the movies to see Tangled. they were all pretty excited about that one!
 After she was done opening her gifts and while she was starting to dig in and play around with them I went into the family room with my camera and called for Rylee to come in. Once she did she saw the dollhouse that Keffords Dad helped us to get for her. She stood and looked at it in amazement for a couple of seconds and then immediately called for her siblings to come in and take a look. I think she was pretty happy with the house!
 My friend Heidi decorates cakes and is really, really good at it. Rylee told me that she wanted a Princess cake and so I was talking to Heidi about how much it would cost to have her make a Princess Barbie cake for Rylee. During our conversation about it she told me the cost but then said that she could give me the tools she uses and that I could do it myself. I was intrigued with the idea and was really surprised that Heidi would be so generous with her stuff and ideas. What a good friend! I decided to bite the bullet and just go ahead and do it myself, I think it is more personal for Rylee for me to do it and more fun.
It took some work to pull it off and it does not look as fancy or amazing as if it were professionally done but Rylee absolutely loved her cake and I was pretty pleased with how it turned out.

This picture got a little bit of order but when I asked Rylee what she wanted for her birthday dinner she told me chicken nuggets. When she saw me adding french fries to the baking sheet she said "but I don't want french fries, I don't like them". I assured her that she did not have to eat them that they were for everyone else. She was satisfied with that answer and ate her yummy dinner of chicken nuggets and a roll I added to give her a bit of variety. :o) She got to eat on the special plate and that made her dinner extra, extra special!

Rylee's Favorites:
Food: Chicken Nuggets
Treat: M&Ms
Church Song: My Life is a Gift
Song: Twinkle Twinkle little star
Color: Dark Pink
TV Show: Dora the Explorer and Go Diego Go
Movie:The Little Mermaid
Thing to do: Play
Place to go: Jaylynns House
Toy: Barbies and the dollhouse
Book: Beauty and the Beast
Friend: Mommy :o)
Want to be when you grow up: a Doctor and a Ballerina
favorite thing about being 4: Having Birthdays

5 Reasons I love Rylee:

1. Rylee is a sweetheart. She loves to cuddle and loves to give kisses and hugs. Sometimes her kisses are a little awkward because her height makes some of her kisses land on my behind but she is so sweet and I love her kisses that land on my face.

2. She loves all things girlie. I love watching her playing dress up and dancing around the house. She comes with me to my dance class and she spends the time doing her own dancing to the music. It is fun to watch her dancing around the room.

3. She likes playing with her siblings but she is also very content to play by herself. In fact I think usually she prefers it to be only her. Nobody to fight over toys with her tell her she can't play. It is fun to watch her imagination in her playing.

4. She loves being with me. I love that Rylee says I am her best friend. I am sure that feeling will not last forever but for now I am perfectly content being her bestie. She is my little buddy and we have a lot of fun hanging out while the other kids are at school.

5. She is always happy to volunteer to say family prayers and I love listening to her talk to her Heavenly Father. She gets a bit silly sometimes but is quick to do better after we talk to her about being more serious. She brings a special spirit into our home and we are all happy to have Rylee here with us.