Wednesday, June 16, 2010

What would you do for a KitKat bar?

Last night we had a pretty good Family Home Evening. I helped Avynlea give a lesson on listening to the Spirit. We read a story out of the Friend magazine and then we talked about how to listen to the Spirit. I was even able to use the story about Rylee missing to help us illustrate how important it is to always listen to the Spirit. So after we got don't with all of that Ryker was in charge of the treat. Now in our house sometimes we are prepared and arrange before hand to have a really great treat ready and other times we improvise. This was an improvise night. Kenedy for whatever reason had it in her head that we were going to have pie, ice cream and whipping cream. I quickly vetoed that idea. We did not need the kids to be filling up their bellies with sugar right before bedtime. I told them they could have otter pops or one minature candy bar each. They chose the candy. So Ryker brought out a handful of candy for everyone to pick from. Kenedy made a grab for the KitKat bar and I guess Avynlea did too. Kefford quickly vetoed the KitKats, they are his favorite and he wanted them for him. I thought it was fair, the kids had tons of other choices but Kenedy was not happy.

Kenedy did not think it was fair and she started giving major attitude and feet stomping.

Avynlea quickly jumped on Kenedys band wagon except she took it to the next level. Screaming, crying, jumping up and down, throwing herself on the ground. It was a little ridiculous. After them carrying on for about 10 minutes we finally told them forget it they get nothing. Oh man the drama! Kenedy then took it up a notch and started crying and yelling and Avynlea just kept at it with more high pitched screaming involved. Kefford and I went in the back to escape with the other two and made the two drama queens stay inside. Kenedy eventually got over it and came outside but Avynlea did not let up until I forced her to bed. It was a bit much. Kenedy is old enough to know better and I am thinking Avynlea better think twice before she jumps on anyone else's bandwagon ever again!