Monday, June 14, 2010

thinking my thoughts

I get bored quite often. One thing I do during those times is browse different blog links i find on my friends blogs. I have found people that I knew once upon a time through doing this, I have found people that I know through other people I know that I never knew they knew (make sense? ha!), I have found many intriguing blogs filled with people that I think are ridiculous and people I think are fun and wish I knew in real life. The bloggy world is very interesting.

I am kinda really jealous that blogging was not a thing to do during my dating then marrying then having babies time. I look at newlywed blogs or blogs of those going through their college years and wish that I had a blog during mine so I could have fun and cool records of those time periods. I know what some of you are thinking..journals..helloooo journal writing has always been around and lots of people use those to record important times. Yeah well I was never and still am not a good journal writer. It is not my all. I like blogging i like using this as my somewhat record keeper. i just wish i could have started earlier.

Now while I wish blogging had been vogue back in the day I am really kinda glad that facebook and myspace and twittering and any of the other social networks were not around while I was in high school. I can only imagine the petty and mean things that can be said about one on these networking sites. Yikes. No thanks not for me.

Do you think that I am bored and have nothing else to say. Yeah its true. I am plaguing my blog with the thoughts that go through my head while at the gym, or while blow drying and then straightening my hair or even while doing dishes and laundry. Oh the thoughts I think.

Maybe I will turn this blog into a my thoughts blog. Or maybe do a fun recap at the end of each week. Who knows, but for right now I like word vomiting with my fingertips..hahahahahaha!
And that is how Elizabeth..."C's" it.
This little one is starting to drive me loco and out of my mind. She is at the age where she does lots of loco things and that is why she has been featured more then the others. Here is her story for today..
The four kiddos went to play in the sprinklers at a friends house this afternoon. Nice for me cause i had some guiltfree free time..oh yeah.. "Bridezilla" on TLC here.I.come..whoop whoop!
A little over an hour after they left I got a phone call from the friends house they were at..
Friend: Don't panic but we cant find Rylee.
Me: what?
Friend: we were outside and when I was not looking she came inside and now we can't find her.
Me: What?
Friend: We are looking up and down the street but we don't see her.
Me: (trying not to panic but feeling it coming on) OK I am going to start heading towards your house to see if I can see her. call my cell if she shows up.
I grabbed my phone said a little prayer in my head and jumped on my scooter. I was feeling panicky inside but trying to remain calm, oh man I was getting scared. As I was pulling out of my driveway one of my friends daughters came and said she didn't see her the direction she was walking so I had her jump on with my and we headed a different way. Just then I got another phone call from my friend telling me they found her. Oh man the relief I felt!
turns out Rylee decided she wanted to go home and so she went inside and walked out the front door without anybody seeing her. She started walking the right way but instead of staying straight she turned left onto a street she shouldn't have and then turned left again onto another street. She was heading the direction of Linder school for those who know and for those who don't it was the complete opposite direction of our house! A girl from the ward just happened to see her walking alone down the street waving at all the cars that drove past, kinda like she was in a parade..oh Rylee. So this girl from our ward was contemplating whether she should take her in her car and bring her home or keep trying to call me to let me know she found my kid. I was not getting the call cause she was calling my home phone. But then Kenedy, Avynlea and their friend turned the corner in their hunt to find Rylee and found her so problem solved. We were all so relieved and Ryker told me that he said a prayer asking for help to find Rylee. What a good fellow. I am grateful for prayers answered, friends that come along at the right time and for all four of my kids. I can't imagine the devastation's if we would not have been able to find her.
Lesson learned: keep an eye on Rylee at all times she is a tricky one!